Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Jessica Jones- Season 2

Marvel is back with its second season of its Netflix original series Jessica Jones. Jessica is back with a lot more story to tell. We get to dive deeper into her life and how she got the powers that make her who she is today. Jessica Jones Season 2 released March 8, 2018.

*Spoiler Alerts from here on down*

Jessica's past  really comes to life this season and some of the inner demons she suppresses rears their  heads. Unlike Season 1 that left off on a triumphant note of final taking down Killgrave, Season 2 is ends on a more bittersweet taste. Let brake this down by characters.

Of course the newest character added to the story, who is the main driving plot for the show, is Jessica's mom Alisa. Seeing Jessica's mom in action and the similar powers they both have was captivating. I loved the similarities drawn between the two characters and how easily Jessica  could slip and become just like her mother if she isn't careful. The whole background of experiments being done on them after the car accident was a bit cliche for me. Almost every superhero has been experimented in some way shape or form, or at least that's what it seems like. I wasn't a big fan of that story line, for the sake of trying to make sense of why she has powers I can go with it.

Jessica her self goes through a lot of emotional struggles trying to deal with her mom who is wanted, Trish who is on drugs and isn't making the situation any better, Malcolm falling for Trish and the whole police department blaming her for her mothers mayhem. With things falling apart all around her ,watching Jessica dealing with her emotions is always interesting and tear-jerking to see. Seeing her fight to do what she thinks is right, regardless of how the odds are pinned against her is empowering to see. She has great character development and her strength is relatable and admirable.

Trish Walker, whether it was intentional or not, was the most frustrating part of Season 2. The majority of Jessic's problems stemmed from Trish not being able to mind her own business and leave Jessica's past well enough alone. I left this season with a deep dislike for the person Trish turned out to be. Being jealous of Jessica, doing drugs to feel powerful, and ultimately trying to get experimented on her self to become like Jessica. If all of this wasn't completely  problematic enough for you she was the person to kill Jessica's mom in the end to 'Protect" Jessica as if Jessica every really needs protection. Despite the outrage of all the dumb mistakes Trish made consistently, the hint of her powers at the end made it even worse because she ended up getting the very thing she wanted all along.

Malcolm Ducasse is a great character  he was helpful for the most part, but falling for Trish was essentially his down fall. I like having him around to help Jessica and It is a shame that by the end they are no longer on talking terms. This was another relationship that ended this season, but I was actually sad to see this one go, hopeful amends could be made between these two dynamic characters.

Oscar Archo and his son Vido were new characters that were the only ones left standing by the end of the season. The side story of his romance with Jessica was interesting and much needed in the mist of all the issues she faced. I do not think that the pairing is as harmonious as Jessica and Luke Cage in Season 1, but it was a cute and entertaining match to see. I am also glad that Jessica had at least one person in her corner in the end.

Jeri Hogarth had a story line to her self and it was more engaging than I though it would be. Hogarth was one of those characters that was accessible across the Defenders. The fact that she is battling a terminal illness was hard to watch. To see that she is a shark and is willing to go to great lengths to try and find a cure was impressive, I can't wait to here more about it in the future. I wasn't a fan of her multiple romances, but I guess that  was just a coping means when she learned she was on the verge of dying.

To wrap it all up, I enjoyed Jessica Jones Season 2 and would recommend it to anyone, though I don't think it compares to it's first season. There's something special about Killgrave as a villain who messes with Jessica's head that is so compelling to watch. Who doesn't love a charismatic villain right? Season 2 did not have a definitive villain or person too completely blame. It was just a whirlwind of bad decisions  and choices on everyone account that lead to a big fall for our heroin

Whats you favorite Jessica Jones season? Let me know in the comments!

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